Thank you for your question and welcome to Health Care Magic. I read your query and I understand your concern.
urinalysis report you have indicates
urinary tract infection. Presence of pus cells, bacteria in clumps,
rbc, squamous cells, in urine is a definite indication of some type of infection.
Clamping means the massing together of bacteria or other cells suspended in a fluid, the aggregation of bacteria into irregular masses.
Regarding urine color, transparency, pH, specific gravity,
albumin and sugar parameters, they are all normal.
The presence of urates indicates the presence of bacteria which can reduce nitrate.
High squamous cells number indicates contamination of urine with skin flora, which may mean that the sample is not as pure as it needs to be.
The amorphous urates are very common in the urine samples and you do not need to fear of this presence in your urine report.
I would recommend you to start an antibiotic regime in order to treat
the urinary tract infection.
Hope I helped with my answer. For further concerns or follow up questions feel free to ask again.
Take care,
Dr. Ina